Canning Season!!
It's canning season and I have been in the thick of it for a while! I've been getting ready for an event this weekend up in McCall! I wrote an arrangement for the National Anthem and am excited and nervous to perform it! I am also performing Freedom. More on that next week after the event! Wish me luck!
Another project I've been working on is recording my parents and all the songs that we, their kids, know and love and grew up listening to. It's been quite the project! But, oh how fun! I think my parents, Dennis and Joan, are both happy to be doing it and giving us this amazing music to listen to forever. They are the base of my love of music. I grew up with them performing and us performing with them and then later, myself accompanying them. It was an amazing experience to accompany them. I miss it.
Also, because I don't have enough going on! Haha! The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, my amazing church that I love, just announced that it is opening a competition for music! They are redoing the hymnbook and asked for new music! So I've been arranging songs for myself and others to submit. I can't wait to hear all the new music that will be in the new hymnbook!
So, there's the catchup. It's been an amazing and yet hard, summer. School is in. Football is every Friday. Canning. Kids. Home. Life. And I love every chaotic moment.